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A Five Step Guide to Successful PRM Implementation

Written by Nick Stamboulis | Apr 30, 2024 2:26:25 PM
Author: Nick Stamboulis

Introducing a Partner Relationship Management (PRM) system into your business is akin to hosting a potluck where everyone brings something unique to the table. It's crucial, however, that all contributions blend seamlessly to ensure the feast—a.k.a. your business strategy—works harmoniously. Here’s a more detailed guide on how to roll out a PRM system with a sprinkle of dad humor because, why not make tech implementations a bit more fun?

1. Rally the Troops: Stakeholder Engagement

Before you embark on the PRM journey, it's essential to gather your team. This isn’t just about having everyone on board—it’s about making them feel like they’re part of the decision-making process, much like getting consensus on a family game night choice.

  • Early Involvement: Involve stakeholders from the onset to foster ownership and address any concerns upfront. It’s like planning a road trip where everyone gets to pick a pit stop. These stakeholders may be your C-Level team, other Partnership Leaders in the org or even some close Partners.
  • Regular Communication: Keep the lines of communication as open as Uncle Joe's backyard grill. Update everyone with regular meetings and newsletters. This keeps the momentum going and ensures that no one is left wondering if their input vanished into a black hole.
2. Roll Out the Red Carpet: Comprehensive Training and Support

Deploying a PRM system without a solid training plan is like grilling steak without preheating—technically possible, but far from ideal.

  • Customized Training Programs: Tailor training sessions to the varied flavors of your team's roles and needs. This ensures that everyone knows how to leverage the system effectively, from the tech whizzes to those who still fondly remember fax machines. If the PRM vendor you’re working with offering whiteglove onboarding services for your team and partners, definitely take advantage. Let them do the heavy lifting for you.
  • Continuous Support: Even the best of us forget things, like where we put our keys or the details of a new software system. Make sure to look for a PRM company that has easy to use software, help articles and dedicated account managers who know your program in and out. This helps set up a support system that offers continuous help, similar to a cooking hotline during those big holiday meals.
3. The Integration Waltz: Seamless System Integration

Your new PRM system needs to integrate smoothly with your existing tech stack. It’s about making new friends but keeping the old, with none of them feeling left out.

  • Compatibility and Integration: Conduct thorough compatibility checks to ensure the new system can integrate seamlessly with the old. This is like making sure that the new coffee maker doesn’t blow a fuse every time it's turned on. You should look for a PRM that integrates with CRMs, Accounting Systems and Payment softwares to ensure a one-stop solution to manage partnerships. Some other nice to haves are Account Mapping softwares i.e. Crossbeam, Zapier connectors, open APIs and Notification tools like Slack.
  • Data Consolidation: Streamline data integration so that information flows freely across systems, much like good conversation at a family dinner. This helps avoid data silos and ensures that everyone has access to the information they need.
4. Baby Steps to Success: Iterative Implementation and Feedback

Think of PRM implementation as teaching your kid to ride a bike—start with training wheels and support, then gradually let go as they gain confidence.

  • Phased Rollout: Implement the system in manageable phases. Begin with a pilot project to iron out any kinks before going company-wide. It’s easier to manage and fine-tune, just like perfecting that secret barbecue sauce recipe. We’ve seen most successful programs start
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a robust feedback loop. Encourage everyone to share their experiences and suggestions. This is crucial for making iterative improvements and is akin to tweaking your lasagna recipe based on family reviews.
5. Tailoring Your Fit: Customization and Risk Management

Every organization has its quirks, and your PRM system should adapt to fit yours, not the other way around.

  • Custom Features and Processes: Customize your PRM to align with your company's specific needs, workflows, and branding.  It’s like adjusting a recipe to suit dietary preferences—you want everyone to enjoy the meal.
  • Risk Identification Workshops: Conduct teamwide check ins to identify and address potential risks associated with the PRM implementation. It’s like checking the weather before a big event; preparation is key to avoid any last-minute scrambles. Leveraging the Metrics feature highlights all data collected to instantly review with your team. 


By following these detailed steps, your PRM system implementation will be as smooth and enjoyable as a well-organized family reunion (minus the awkward conversations). Keep it light, keep it structured, and soon, you'll see the fruits of your labor enhancing every partner interaction. Happy implementing!

To to meet with Nick, visit his scheduling page.